Dry dash on EWI


New Member
I'm not a plasterer. We're in a mid-terrace house and have a EWI job that's almost finished but I'm not happy with the finish at the front of the house. The plan is to use brick slips on the bottom. The top is dry dashed and I asked for the render used to be white, but it looks a really dark beige/cream colour. In addition to that, the wrong stone mix has been used for the dry dash. I asked for a mix 70% white to 30% colour or as close to that as possible but there is way too much colour in it. We're raging because the house was supposed to look better than it did before the EWI job but right now it is one ugly duckling. So I'm wondering:

Is painting over it in white the quickest fix?
Is there anything that can be done fairly handy to go over the dry dash before the scaffolding comes down?
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