course Recommendation

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Have a look around this site mate. Some good info on the subject.
And where are you located?

Welcome to PF:)

Welcome to the forum,

I am a gold Trowel Veteran, but there are many good courses.

I am in the process of sorting a section on the main site devoted to courses and picking courses ect.

welcome jreilly

where abouts are you from? try a google searh and see what comes up for your area then post the places on here some one may know the place and advise from there
Done google far to many to ask about . Not bothered what area. Do you think gold trowel would be the better one for 5 day course
If your thinkin of doing the 5 day course at goldtrowel then you may as well do the 10 day course as this si so much better.

Hello jreilly
Depends what you want to get out of it, best to get NVQ as employers recognise this as best qualification next to experience.
Otherwise some good intensive coures out there for ICA but these do not include site training as its all in house.
Cheers robospread
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