Board and Skim or Spray

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I can't quite decide whether to board out a new build (external walls, i would obviously board the studs and ceilings) and then pay a pro to come in and skim over everything (not too fussed whether they spray or do it manually), or have someone spray straight on without having to board.

the structure will be a woodchip ICF so I imagine could be sprayed straight on to with no prep. it strikes me that the primary benefit for me, speed notwithstanding, is that any slight unevenness in the wall is negated by just spraying.

Any thoughts? Any idea the cost of spraying?
I can't quite decide whether to board out a new build (external walls, i would obviously board the studs and ceilings) and then pay a pro to come in and skim over everything (not too fussed whether they spray or do it manually), or have someone spray straight on without having to board.

the structure will be a woodchip ICF so I imagine could be sprayed straight on to with no prep. it strikes me that the primary benefit for me, speed notwithstanding, is that any slight unevenness in the wall is negated by just spraying.

Any thoughts? Any idea the cost of spraying?
I can't quite decide whether to board out a new build (external walls, i would obviously board the studs and ceilings) and then pay a pro to come in and skim over everything (not too fussed whether they spray or do it manually), or have someone spray straight on without having to board.

the structure will be a woodchip ICF so I imagine could be sprayed straight on to with no prep. it strikes me that the primary benefit for me, speed notwithstanding, is that any slight unevenness in the wall is negated by just spraying.

Any thoughts? Any idea the cost of spraying?

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I can't quite decide whether to board out a new build (external walls, i would obviously board the studs and ceilings) and then pay a pro to come in and skim over everything (not too fussed whether they spray or do it manually), or have someone spray straight on without having to board.

the structure will be a woodchip ICF so I imagine could be sprayed straight on to with no prep. it strikes me that the primary benefit for me, speed notwithstanding, is that any slight unevenness in the wall is negated by just spraying.

Any thoughts? Any idea the cost of spraying?
NNNo, NNNeil