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  1. F

    Lime plaster 'repair'

    Hi again, The house I'm renovating is a Victorian era house which has been lime plastered throughout. There are a couple of walls which have been stripped back to the red bricks since the plaster had been covered in layers of paper and seemed to have blown in many places. Not sure if I was...
  2. F

    Repairing a rather old coving

    I wonder if anybody can help me? I'm doing up this old house and there's quite a nice coving in the front room and entrance hall-way. It's pretty old and very brittle. I would like to keep it and make reapirs to it. Could any of you good people advize on how to best go about doing this? And...
  3. F

    Hiar-line cracks in render

    I've got a coupl of hair-line (well almost) cracks in the external rendr of my house. It's a red brick house. In one location on the inside of the house directly opposit on of the cracks is some dampness. Could I 'scrape' out the cracks and then re-fill with something to seal? It looks like...
  4. F

    Lime Plastering Courses

    Does anybody know of any Lime Plastering Course which are longer than several one or two day ones I've found on the internet? There must be somebody offering longer courses out there? Thanks for nay replies.
  5. F

    Lime plaster

    Hi, This is my first post on here. I sonder if somebody can help me? I'm hoping to decorate a house which has lime plaster throughout. Every inch of it is covered in wall-papper. I would like to strip off the wall-papper and paint it. Will I need to skim this in order to get a nice finnish...