Recent content by theblones

  1. T

    Wanted Sp11

    Bobby why dont you try hiring a diesel for a month. If at the end of the month you think it covered its hire costs then u should know its suitable for you.
  2. T

    Anyone know ritmo for sale.

    ooo you bitch. a wins a win
  3. T

    Anyone know ritmo for sale.

    Wales PFT Wales Wales
  4. T

    Anyone know ritmo for sale.

    Tidy, gerrit on the wall mrs reily. It will be like the Ritmo ewi then ? can the EZE texturing gun be used on the normal 25 mm rondo
  5. T

    Anyone know ritmo for sale.

    Not an easy thing to sell TBH , if you stuck the PFT built in compressor and put a b Pump on it instead it would sell easily. I would sell the Powercoat stuff separately. is it an older machine
  6. T

    Anyone know ritmo for sale.

    is that with built in compressor Ryan
  7. T

    machine purchase

    its an old kronk nobody cares
  8. T

    machine purchase

    All by hand K rend GP base coat on brick Hp12 over rend and Topping with Marmorit noblo.
  9. T

    machine purchase

    Keith Excactly. unless its going on thicker i.e. HP12 over roughcast or pebble dash then you save on mixing and application.
  10. T

    machine purchase

    i dont spray all my thincoat basecoats , do a bit by hand aswell. sometimes when i weigh up getting a machine on a job versus the masking and cleaning up i decide to go in and hand apply. I'm talking about smaller jobs with easy access or if masking outweighs time spent laying on. depends on...
  11. T

    machine purchase

    nobody ever asks for a conveying pump.I ask a potential customer some questions and tell them the machine best suited. You're a plasterer working every day with years and years of experience. You do private jobs all ranging from mono to smooth renders and texture coats. Is the Ritmo or Swing...
  12. T

    machine purchase

    if its simple you need stay as you are. Machine plastering is an opportunity to decrease costs and increase profits. A conveying pump wont earn you money doing hardwall.
  13. T

    Which machine is best and pumps everthing

    I'll give you 2k for your honda. You may aswell buy a ritmo here whilst dropping it off