Recent content by JFPlastering

  1. J

    Solar Panels

    You can get used panels so cheap now that, if you have a decent south facing roof, there's little reason not to fit them. I bought two sets within the past couple of years - 3kw of panels cost me £600 ish, and then, a while after, i found a 4kw set with inverter and mounting hardware for £400...
  2. J

    Internal Stone Wall Options

    Our own house was built in the 17 or 1800s. Stone walls, no damp proofing. Had been dry lined in the 70s. I remember one of the downstairs floors was so rotten that I gave the joist a wobble and 2 foot came off in my hand (I think they assumed the air bricks were just a unnecessary...
  3. J

    I've broken my trowel (turning into deciphering marshal town product names!)

    Thank you - that sounds pretty much ideal. I figured it was all just stainless now, but i found another thread here and it seems plenty of people like non-stainless too (ie its not just a cheap thing, but people, including you, i guess, actually like it more) I think ill go for exactly what...
  4. J

    I've broken my trowel (turning into deciphering marshal town product names!)

    Which end? : ) Its close to 4" at one, and more like 4 3/4 at the other. Im happy for the new one not to be triangular though! I figured id go for a 4" and that would do me.
  5. J

    I've broken my trowel (turning into deciphering marshal town product names!)

    I got the handle on it at about 230 am this morning, but i couldn't be bothered to mix up any resin. I need it fixed for Monday and the only resin i have at the moment is slow cure, deep pour stuff, so i need to get it together tomorrow, else it wont have gone off in time.
  6. J

    I've broken my trowel (turning into deciphering marshal town product names!)

    Thank you. Id got the impression the permashape one was the banana one - as in pre-bent, curled up or something? Not that I've seen any photo showing this... I was hoping for something that was just flat, but, again, if i knew what was going on, id not be asking advice!
  7. J

    I've broken my trowel (turning into deciphering marshal town product names!)

    Fairly good chance of it happening, but my prior wobbley handle bodges were repeatedly failing, so i took the risk (which hasn't paid off!) So, I've snapped off the bolt (i even went to trouble heating it, and it still snapped), and then the marshaltown handle i bought didn't fit anyway...