Recent content by ad86

  1. A

    Preparing for plastering through the winter

    Where there's a will chaps! We've had frozen taps before but managed. Kettles, blowtorches, use your imagination!
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    Preparing for plastering through the winter

    The long johns served me well last winter. That's a sentence I never thought I'd type
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    Preparing for plastering through the winter

    b*ll***s to staying at home, need to earn! Gloves that heat up hmmmm, Klan Heated Gloves - Klan Heated Clothing - by Klan Clothing - Klan Hot Lycra Inner Gloves Also Check. No such thing as not being able to get water, fill buckets night before and leave in house and they rarely freeze, it's...
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    Preparing for plastering through the winter

    We haven't had a summer this year so I'm allowed to talk about this! How does everybody prepare themselves for the winter months? Anybody have any decent 110v heaters? What about getting to work - sometimes site is 40 miles away, does anybody use winter tyres or snow chains? And sometimes the...
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    To load or not to load

    2.50 skim count me in! 2.30 best for me at the minute, although tack is nearer 1.80
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    plastering joke

    HAHA at 4:08 in that video he must realise he's spent about a minute playing around with a single trowel load of stuff and really starts to pull his finger out. He'll cover 500m2 a day moving like that! :RpS_lol:
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    To load or not to load

    Beggars can't be choosers mate. If there's no other work for you you'd be better cracking on. Just politely negotiate a little extra for the loading up. Find out how much the job is worth and work out how many days you have to complete it in to make it pay. You might have to work an extra hour a...
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    Fixing edging beads

    Don't try and nail a bead to an already plastered angle mate, it's asking for trouble. Instead use an adhesive method as detailed below. Come on guys give this guy a break. He's taking a lot of flak on here lately! You don't see people refusing to give advice on car forums because the askers...
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    HELP over skiming a wall with a large arche in it

    Either way mate. Personally I'd use the steel beads as far as they will go, the arch bead between them. For the work you have to do, your price may even be a little short...depends how good you leave it I suppose
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    Siow the set down

    Carlite isn't something I ever use large enough quantities of to warrant retarding it, good advice though. I wonder why that is?
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    Keeping angles clean

    Drench your inch brush in CLEAN clean water then, from top to bottom, scrub it away. Easy. Also, take the excess off the already plastered side of the bead between putting on and trowelling, just as it starts to firm. Try and do it when it's too wet and it just smears everywhere.
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    Siow the set down

    Cream of tartar is the business, only need to use about half a teaspoon per bag though. Don't be tempted to put more have been warned. It's handy if you're at a job where there may be slightly too much for one gauge, so rather than do 2 gauges you can slow it down and get straight...
  13. A

    Advice on laying on and trowel up

    What was his problem? Jeez
  14. A

    Do customers ever?

    Agreed. Site work definitely better as the mon-fri work, but if someone's prepared to pay £300+ for a good days work at the weekend it's worth tolerating a small amount of hassle