Aquapanel exterior

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Anyone familiar with aquapanel exterior, I've fixed some to my own house and the joints which I filled with joint cement and tape have got fine hair line cracks just wondering if the this will pull through on my thin coat render system ???
@runwithscissors is you tech guy. But i cant see why you leave a gap in boards for movement to fill it with a hard filler. Surely losing the expansion. Ability
Anyone familiar with aquapanel exterior, I've fixed some to my own house and the joints which I filled with joint cement and tape have got fine hair line cracks just wondering if the this will pull through on my thin coat render system ???

Hi Wil

Thanks for the message bud - I have a little experience of Knauf Aquapanel Exterior......

Cracks are usually a result of movement in the structure behind - if you have a timber frame behind, in the first 12 months (especially during construction) it will settle and this is when any cracking will happen. Initially, I will say it is nothing to worry about - the gap between the boards, the flexible joint filler and tape then the basecoat and mesh will all disipate the potential of cracking in the finish render.

Give me a call on Monday - 07918766577 - and we will have a chat about your build. If you have some photos of your build and the cracks, send them to be at

Best Wishes
Richard Lord
Knauf - Technical Development Manager - Aquapanel
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