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  1. T

    Microcement substrate

    Planning a wet room which will be finished floor to ceiling in Micro cement. I'll be getting in a pro to do the Micro cement itself but wondering if you could recommend a substrate for this to go on? The walls are currently timber studs with Celotex between the rafters, the floor is a concrete...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Thanks a lot Ray. It's been a lot of fun doing the research. Any idea if the limestone tiles can be sealed without ruining the breathability? I've seen a few manufacturers who claim breathable but would hate to ruin all that hard work on a sealant
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Yes I followed this.
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Replying to my own very old post because it took me ages to get to this point. Finally got my Limecrete floor down which was very exciting. Thought I'd share a few pics These will be finished with Limestone tiles. Just wondering if you use any breathable sealant and if you could recommend one...
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    Bedding limestone pavers in wet Limecrete

    Thank you that makes sense. Advantages are getting the trades in for a single day (not a large area to cover) rather than having them keep coming back. There would also be a (very minor) gain in head height as you're not adding the adhesive layer for the stone. The adhesive is effectively the...
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    Bedding limestone pavers in wet Limecrete

    I think the key words here are "most of them". I've had excellent advice on limecrete here, mostly from @limeplastering . Probably daft it may be but looking for the reasons why not
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    Bedding limestone pavers in wet Limecrete

    Thanks a lot. All good points. So other than being careful as hell, nothing technically to prevent this?
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    Bedding limestone pavers in wet Limecrete

    Just finished excavating a floor ready for limecrete. I'm going to have 150mm compacted foamed glass, underfloor heating pipes followed by 75mm of limecrete. On top of this will be 20mm limestone pavers. I came across this today where someone laid the pavers directly in to the limecrete...
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    Lime plaster conduit protection

    Sorry @limeplastering just checking MDPE (mains water pipe. Does that need to be protected as well?
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    Lime plaster conduit protection

    I've read many threads (some true, some not) about cement corroding copper, MDPE, cables sleeving etc. Could anyone tell me if lime plaster reacts with anything or if it's safe to bury things directly? Trying to work out what can be put in the walls unprotected and what will need conduit etc...
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    Awesome work!! Love the picture of the tiny dustpan, looks like it has it's work cut out
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    Thanks a lot. Luckily (or unluckily) for me the whole of the plaster is going to be ripped off all the way to the ceiling and taken back to brick before re-plastering with lime. Bought some Lignum Pro D156 as recommended by @MakeItSmooth and I'll get those pipes redone. Looks stupid coming out...
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    Ha, yes. I mean, what harm could the anti-fungal do assuming this would be their objection?
  14. T

    Damp Walls? I'm

    Maybe maybe not. House took nearly a year to buy, damp survey was at the beginning, a lot of lockdown hours on my hands..... From one person alone Peter Ward I have watched every single one of his and a load of others too
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    So preoccupied with the damp I didn't even think of this. I have some proper asbestos proof masks so sorted for that. Just out of interest, why would they disagree?
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    Super interesting thank you. I'm noticing basically all the pipes in this room are blue or bluish-green. Even the gas pipe see below. Have not noticed the water being blueish though
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    Damp Walls? I'm

    Definitely leaning towards this despite our earlier discussion on Limecrete... I'm thinking that as I shouldn't be doing lime work until spring, would be better to hack it all off now and let it dry out until spring time. Does that sound sensible?
  18. T

    Damp Walls? I'm

    I've had a full damp and timber survey done, watched hundreds of hours of youtube damp videos, spoken with a tonne of different trades and the only thing I am sure of is that everyone has a different opinion. Thought I would ask on here as I have had excellent responses to another question...
  19. T

    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    You make a good point here. Nothing quite like experience. My only counter is that a poorly laid limecrete slab is as useless as a poorly laid concrete slab. Just look at the infamous Grand Designs episode for proof. Given the permeability I suspect that all things being equal if you had...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    That's not science. Far too many variables in those pictures to prove that the concrete slab is the key factor to blame. You'd need to remove all the variables. Any number of explanations for that damp
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Hmmmm, pushing the point a little here I think. Look at the table below. Surely we should all be going for bare clay... What I find worrying is that the limecrete industry seems to be pushing the permeable, breathable nature as unique to limecrete but this is not factually correct. DPM aside...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    According to the professors at Bath University who did the scientific study entitled "Comparing the moisture permeability of limecrete and concrete floor slabs" this is incorrect. I quote "Preliminary results obtained from modelling and laboratory tests suggest that NHL5-based limecrete was...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Thanks a lot. Yes my lack of understanding is exactly why I posted the question on here. Please don't get me wrong, this is not an attack, just a frustration that the evidence is not readily available. The problem I have is the statement "You need lime". Why? Where is the science that tells me...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    It's brick. I'm not sure I totally buy this, especially if perimeter insulation is used between the slab and the wall of the house which would prevent thermal bridging. There would have to be some pretty significant ground water inside the perimeter of the property to push past the edges of the...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Agreed if a DPM is not correctly installed but if I follow Kingspan plans with DPM folded up the wall to just beyond the floor layer this can't happen can it? In the scenario you mention above replacing with limecrete it seems to me that it is the GEOCELL aggregate below the limecrete which...
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    Thank you. Yes I agree with the walls and this makes complete sense to me. The floor, not so much.
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    Limecrete - Is there any point?

    I'm the proud new owner of a Grade II Listed building with a mountain of damp issues. We have a very lengthy remediation plan including exterior masonry paint removal, french drains, re-plastering with lime plaster etc etc. We have a concrete slab in the kitchen which needs replacing because...