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  1. S


    Right little bum boys you West Ham massive sint you.wouldnt mind but your in top 5 softest lads in prem :coffe:
  2. S


    You shut the f**k up or I'll get casper to chin you cockney
  3. S


    You f**k**g melt You absoloute melt.ive got you aint I,on the tip of my finger.with a response like that you sad living in your head rent free norris :risas2:
  4. S


    Jesus your boring.dont forget you brought me into this by going off on one and mentioning me when u beat franfurt you little had a little cup run and think your a big I'm guna leave it as you bore the life out of me get back in your box and I'll tell you when you can...
  5. S


    I wouldnt want to punch you as I'd finish you,and ur little Steve so a bitch slap is all you'd need norris
  6. S


    I know I've said it but you really are a melt :risas2: your little and tiny and I'd bitch slap you across any room little Steve
  7. S


    What a melt you are
  8. S


    Knowbody calls themselves big if there are if there do I feel sorry for he looks like that weardsley raider want some :risas2:
  9. S


    That all you got BIG STEVE? So I'm chelsea,spurs.anymore? Can't take it as you finished up exactly as I said you will.your a little club inondon let alone the premier league so get back in your box lad before I put you there
  10. S


    Big ironic Steve has had a shandy and he's feeling hard.any1 who calls themselves big is ironic :risas2: bet he's a 5ft2 dwarf.he supports West ham so I know he's soft as cheese :coffe: :risas2:
  11. S


    :risas2: what a melt you really are ffs :risas2: :risas2:
  12. S


    :risas2:..I'd hammer you into the ground you melt
  13. S


    I know straightaway when it's him.he needs to.mix it up abit
  14. S

    Bristol based (north)

    Hi smoother
  15. S

    New built uneven ceiling?

    It's called a site monkey skim boy using a s*p*r*lex syndrome..tbf don't shine your light like that shine them normally but ye it's s**t
  16. S


    This all could of been avoided cockney if you just realise the irons are probably 12-13th biggest team in prem.youve had a belter of a season
  17. S


    Said 8th but was 7th.i was wrong.never mind.cracking season is that 4 the might irons :risas2:
  18. S

    Plastering work - not impressed what shall I ask for to sort

    F King hell rossi don't tell me your becoming a snow flake
  19. S

    Mental health and depression

    That's the age they start work in narnia
  20. S

    Back on the books.

    What m2 rate you get?
  21. S


    God knows bought at a auction.cost me £800 and I ran it to death did 30 odd thousand in it.brilliant car then it just died
  22. S


    Nah was 16 valve twin turbo
  23. S


    I used to have a blue twin turbo one many years so.class car did some mega miles in it over the 2 years I had it
  24. S


    Anytime anywhere anyplace you f**k**g melt.u been on shandys and feeling hard
  25. S

    Separation issues with embedded mesh in OCR

    Did u not read his posts? B4 any1 even jumped down his throat he was ripping trade to bits.f**k him
  26. S

    Separation issues with embedded mesh in OCR

    Yes pal stick to bricklaying.if you can piss you cam bricklay..glad you've got help bilbo
  27. S

    Separation issues with embedded mesh in OCR

    Mate u sound like a do u know 1/5 spreads can only render? Bricklaying is a glorified labourer with a trowel.the shite you guys churn out on new builds is laughable,always top 4 courses lean out at top end of a house,reveals are 8/10 always a inch and half out plus your walls are...
  28. S

    A day of domestics

    :coffe: :hola:
  29. S

    A day of domestics

    People would pay you £1200 to not skim the f**k*r
  30. S


  31. S

    What did I do wrong with my bonding?

    Just splash abit of water on it then skim away :coffe:
  32. S

    Mixing bonding and multi

    That old fart retired spread will have a heart attack reading this
  33. S


    There's all these gifs and vids because there actually think they are a massive club and I honestly don't know why.what because Bobby Moore played for them :popcorn:
  34. S


    But they didn't :coffe:
  35. S


    Wheres that gobshite big Steve hammer :risas2: :coffe:
  36. S


    West ham are massive everywhere we go,everywhere we go :risas2: :risas2: :risas2: I called all this 6 months ago
  37. S


    Don't listen to retired spread.mans got alzhiners man dsnt know his arse from his elbow.
  38. S

    New Guy - I thought plastering would be as easy as buttering toast until i tried a ceiling *Tears*

    I'd put wee mcbaldy down at 5 foot 5.maybe wrong but I get that impression
  39. S

    Plastering work - not impressed what shall I ask for to sort

    Guys a bants of a 11 year old
  40. S

    Plastering work - not impressed what shall I ask for to sort

    You'd love to wake up next to me,but unfortunately I do t live in crack den like homes I'm afraid :popcorn:
  41. S

    Plastering work - not impressed what shall I ask for to sort

    I'm starting to think you've done this work,it's been called out and your now seeking reassurance that you've sorted it.the desperation :coffe: