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  1. W

    EZE, speed skim or spatula??? ☁️

    Alright guys... Sure these Q's all been asked before but just wanna check a few things before order one. Looking into getting the EZE spat, seems that 800mm is the preferred size?? Was late getting meself onto a s*p*r*lex, all the lads was using them but stuck to me MT, Untill I had ago with...
  2. W

    EZE spat, spatula, or speed skim ???

    Alright guys... Sure these Q's all been asked before but just wanna check a few things before order one. Looking into getting the EZE spat, seems that 800mm is the preferred size?? Was late getting meself onto a s*p*r*lex, all the lads was using them but stuck to me MT, Untill I had ago with...
  3. W

    Becoming a damp proofer

    That's good to know about the rep. Well I think I'll go for the course and maybe do a few smaller damp jobs and see where ever that goes. Thanks for the replies!
  4. W

    Becoming a damp proofer

    Ok sound. Cheers for the replies. I get the idea that on the whole it may no be worth the hastle. But I suppose somebody's gotta do it?? I dunno?! The course is only £160 with Kingfisher so don't see the harm in getting that done and then just seeing where ever that may lead???
  5. W

    Becoming a damp proofer

    Ye fair one. Like I said it was just an idea at the moment, and just wanted some comments/advice on it. Can anyone actually recommend weather these courses are much kop? Surely you can't learn that much in a day???
  6. W

    Becoming a damp proofer

    To be honest I just want to understand and have a better knowledge of it all. I see some of these quotes these specialist damp proof companies are giving and think I'd still be buzzing earning half of that for the work that's gotta be done. Still gonna stick to the plastering but thought if I...
  7. W

    Becoming a damp proofer

    Hi. I'm a 27 year old plasterer with 11years experience, and am now interested in specialising in damp proofing. The last few jobs I've done have been damp related. Basically the customer has had a quote and instructions what to do off a local damp company, then got me to come in and do the...