Recent content by Aron86

  1. Aron86

    How long do you need to wait to skim a new skim?

    Thanks for the response everyone. I'm relieved to hear it can be reskimed quickly. I had a vision of spending the next week with a kitchen in my front room whilst it dried. The areas they have skimmed are the bits where it is going to be visible so it will need to be redone. I'm not sure...
  2. Aron86

    How long do you need to wait to skim a new skim?

    Hi, My builder sent his plasterers in today to reskim the kitchen ready to fit new units Wednesday. Unfortunately it doesn't look to have gone well, its uneven, full of trowel marks, you can see bare board / wall in places, generally looks like a novice job. I was wondering how long you need...
  3. Aron86

    Repairing chips / hairline cracks NHL plinth

    I have a NHL plinth rendered at bottom of the wall around the front of my property. The plinth has a some hairline cracks and there are some chips around by the front door. The render is sound. The cracks appeared when I broke up concrete slab in the garden and the chips by the door are from...